Our Approach
Our approach to engaging in business is simple. We want to provide support and solutions to others who believe in or are willing to "pay it forward." Running your business can be challenging and consuming. How many times do we wish we were able to do more for others but just didn't have the time or resources. At Community Impact Solutions, LLC, we want to encourage everyone we work with to give back to their communities in some way. For every project we take on, we look for how that business is already helping the community in some way or is willing to as a partner of ours. We provide our clients with opportunities to receive favorable discounts with a commitment of either time or money donated to services that support making our communities stronger. If our partners don't already have something in mind, we provide easy options and suggestions for giving.
Our Story
Starting out on your own is hard. To get your business off the ground, it's easy to become heads down focused on the day to day details. Maybe you had every intention of finding the time or the energy to support those great causes or those less fortunate than you, but then time just got away from you and without even knowing it, years went by and the act of giving back was still on your list of things to do. So years pass and you find you are on much more solid ground and you're thankful for all the support and guidance you've benefited from but somehow, the next big project consumes you and thwarts the best-laid plans to find the time or to do more.
Does this sound familiar? If so, maybe you can relate....
I've had a very successful career both as an employee and successful entrepreneur. Balancing work life and family life always seemed to consume me. But now I'm at a cross-roads. I'm at a place where I feel strongly that I want to be more purposeful in the things that I do and make helping others while doing what I enjoy a priority.
The ideation behind this business is to build "doing good works" into every project that we do and at the same time make it easy for others as well. Our goal is to add value for every client and project we support and to encourage others to find way to pay it forward as often as they can. We will reward clients who are actively supporting good works or who will commit to engaging in good works.
Our Approach
Our Story
Next Steps...
To learn more about how we do business or to volunteer to be a part of "serving" your community.